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Treking Trig Track

I'm really pleased with myself at the moment, I can't get overseas (or even an at home holiday) so I am making do with exploring my own neck of the woods, and the tracks around the Cranbourne Botanical Gardens were on today's agenda.

There are a variety of tracks throughout the area, ranging from 20 mins to an hour and a half. We started with the highest point, the Trig Point lookout which is

just a short stroll from the visitors centre and it was well worth it for the spectacular 360° views of the Dandenong Ranges, Port Phillip Bay and Western Port.

None of the walks are strenuous, but make sure you are prepared because it's Victoria and the weather is changeable. (For people who don't know we make jokes about having four seasons in one day and it's not unheard of to be freezing one moment and wishing you could find shelter from the heat the next.)

It's funny though when you are walking around the tracks because you forget that Cranbourne is five minutes away by car, because you feel like you're in the Australian bush, and when you see a print like the one above which was the size of my hand you wonder about the size of the animal that goes with it. And then you see a kangaroo hopping across the track in front of you you definitely go WOW!!!

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