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On the way to Japan AGAIN!!!!

I seriously wasn't expecting to go to Japan again anytime soon (because unfortunately I haven't had a massive cash injection into my bank account lately :( ) so when Samara said "Hey Mum, there's really cheap airfares to Japan do you want to go? I'll pay as a late birthday present for you..." (BTW the birthday was one of the big ones....that half a century milestone) and I said...."Mmmm let me think...YES please!!!!"

So here we are, on our way to Japan AGAIN!!! And I am hoping to knock some things off my Japan to-do list, yet I have the feeling as I knock one thing off I am going to add another one.

My only issue is that we have a night flight again which means I was clock watching as I waited to get ready to leave, thankfully Samara went into work to do the early shift so she was not underfoot packing and repacking her bags (which I think she did a few times and once more before we left the house.)

The excitement is building as I wait for the boarding announcement and I realize that in about 11 hours (10hrs 10min flight time thankfully this time a direct flight on Jetstar) I will be landing once again in Japan.

Can I say YIPPEE again????

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