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Art, Art and More Art

Art is found in many different ways, music, paintings, sculpture, architecture and can be found anywhere and today Jenna and I went into Melbourne to experience "art" today.

Our first stop was Hosier Lane,

home to some amazing grafitti art and I can understand why it has become a tourist hot-spot because some of the paintings are very impressive, I like too that the rubbish bins

and stairways have been painted too.

(The art of street art)

We then wandered past Flinders Station, which has been recently refurbished and is sporting a face lift, is an amazing piece of Victorian architecture. I love the old and the new


this area as you look across the road at Federation Square and the ACMI building and it amazes me at well the two styles just work in this city. (The art of architecture)

Then to Degraves St for more

grafitti art and the narrow lanes and alleys around there which are fun to explore.

Our empty stomachs called for us and Betty's Burgers was on our radar and we enjoyed both the food and the atmosphere here. (The art of food and paintings)

Our objective for the evening was Melbourne Festival Hall so we spent the rest of afternoon wandering our way around Melbourne to get there, just taking in the sights and sounds of Melbourne with street performers and sculptures

(The art of music and sculpture)

This is when I should change my title to "And Korea comes to me" and I got a chance to knock off something on my to-do list which was to go to a K-Pop concert, and it just happened that my favourite band iKON

was in town and I encouraged Jenna to come with me and we had a fantastic evening listening to the boys sing and it made me think I want to actually see a performance in Korea itself.

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