Okay, time for my 7 wonders of Japan, remembering that this is just MY opinion of my trip to Japan and will not be applicable to everyone and I am sure if I do a return trip anytime soon it will change because I will do other thing so in no particular order here they are........
1/ Getting lost in Osaka
Getting lost in Osaka was fantastic,
no we didn't get to see the temple that had been on my list but we saw a whole lot more. I think it is really important to go with the flow when you are traveling, yes have to do lists because you don't want to come away from a place and say 'I wish I had done ....." but be flexible and 'get lost' and enjoy because you never know what exactly you might find,
2/Getting away from the tourist traps in Tokyo
I really enjoyed getting to some parts of Tokyo that are not quite as touristy, like Nezu and Yanaka and just walking, and walking. Both areas were stunning and well worth the exploration and I loved walking down different streets and just fining something new.
3/Rope ways and hill walks
I enjoyed the cable car/ropeways
this trip, as I got my views but a taste of nature as well and although Kobe was a little disappointing. (the view was amazing..but only a little, the temples on the walking trails of Mt Takao and Mt Shosha more than made up for it. I really enjoyed the serenity of the temples up both of these mountains and would recommend them to everyone.
4/Castles, castles, castles
From Osaka to HImeji
to Nagoya, some magnficent castles and just a few that Japan has to offer and I was very happy to knock off three of my list.
5/People watching and being part of ordinary daily lives
I enjoyed just being part of ordinary people's lives. from watching the kids play in the park near Nezu sh
rine to the markets in Osaka and just sitting and dining in a restaurant that all the locals go to. It was fun and such a nice way to see the cities properly.
6/ Fushimi Inari Shrine
This was as impressiv