MY 7 Wonders of Japan 2016 Version
Okay, time for my 7 wonders of Japan, remembering that this is just MY opinion of my trip to Japan and will not be applicable to everyone...
A Lazy Day In Osaka
Check out time was 11am and we made the most of our stay at the hotel, enjoying the breakfast that the hotel had to offer and just...
A Day of Pop-Culture
A day of pop culture with not a temple or shrine in site, as we decided to head of to Universal Studios today and see how it compared to...
Getting Lost In Osaka the best possible way
Today Samara and I got lost. but it was the best type of getting lost because we found some amazing sights and had fabulous experiences....
Turning Lemons into Lemonade
I'm sitting on the bed, cross-legged eating pork buns and watching more Japanese game shows, thankful that we have a place to stay...