MY 7 Wonders of Japan 2016 Version
Okay, time for my 7 wonders of Japan, remembering that this is just MY opinion of my trip to Japan and will not be applicable to everyone...
Updated Japan To Do List
I have now been to Japan twice and both times were completely different experiences and if I have a chance to go back I know there will...
What I Knocked off My To-Do List
THIS WAS THE ORIGINAL things I wish I had done in Japan Things I did this time around: 21/To wander around some of the older areas of...
Heading to Home Sweet Home
We couldn't resist one last pork bun before we left Japan, because let's face it a pork bun in Australia will never quite be the same as...
And you thought there would be no more food?
Well you were wrong, of course there are more tasty treats to tantalize the taste buds starting off with another fabulous dinner in Osaka...
Cherry Blossom Alert
Samara and I spent the morning saying our farewells to Charles and Yuki at the Teddy Bear House and taking a last look around Nikko...
Shrines and More Shrines....
Our plan for the day was shrines and more shrines (with a little bit of nature thrown in) and this was not unexpected as Nikko and the...
Not a shrine, temple, castle or cable car in sight.....
. ...but there were a lot of railway tracks, buildings passing by and wonderful beautiful nature as we made our way from Nagoya to the...
Chilling in.........
Today we chilled, we've had a few busy days and we were on the move so we decided to stay at the ryokan as late at we could (check out...
Two To-Dos Done!!!!
Today was the first day (apart from Universal) that I felt like I was part of the tourist horde because most of our other days have been...