Another To-do DONE!!!
The last time that Samara and I were in Japan we did observation towers, this time we seem to be going up cable cars/ropeways and getting...
And Then There Was More.........Food Of Course
Mouth watering morsels to keep you going are never hard to find in Japan and here are just a few, we started with scallops in the market...
No Reconstructions Here.....
Today was a day of sites that have not been destroyed by fire, earthquake or war, which is fairly unusual in Japan as most historical...
A Lazy Day In Osaka
Check out time was 11am and we made the most of our stay at the hotel, enjoying the breakfast that the hotel had to offer and just...
A Day of Pop-Culture
A day of pop culture with not a temple or shrine in site, as we decided to head of to Universal Studios today and see how it compared to...
Getting Lost In Osaka the best possible way
Today Samara and I got lost. but it was the best type of getting lost because we found some amazing sights and had fabulous experiences....
Turning Lemons into Lemonade
I'm sitting on the bed, cross-legged eating pork buns and watching more Japanese game shows, thankful that we have a place to stay...
Food glorious food
In case you didn't realize already I love eating and drinking in Japan from the pork buns, to the soups and noodles, to snacks and hot...
Buddhas, Blossoms, Beach and Bright Lights
The title pretty much sums up our day today as we once again ventured out of the city to explore more around Tokyo (again thanks to that...
Stairs and More Stairs, Views and More Views
After another great Japanese breakfast we set off to get away from the urban jungle and into nature,JR Pass in hand. We traveled on the...