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Winter camp in Yarrawonga

Yarrawonga is an idyllic location for a lazy winter camp, and Jenna and I were glad for the cabin instead of the tent as it got pretty chilly overnight and even with solid walls and a heater going I was grateful I was wearing bed socks, so goodness knows what it would have been like in a tent.


We woke to mist over the Murray River which was very pretty and we took a long leisurely walk along it before breakfast. There were a few other people out enjoying the brisk morning air, but not enough to spoil the tranquility.

After breakfast it was a catch up with friends over the embers of last night's fire while we made plans for the rest of the day, which weren't many :) Eating, talking, stoking the fire and more walking and exploring, a perfect way to relax in Yarrawonga.

The mist cleared and we went for a walk, a circuit of Yarrawonga and Mulwala, from the campsite to Belmore St, then across the bridge to Endeavour Park, and back along Lake Mulwala to the Weir (the one way bridge closest to the campsite). The weather held, thankfully, and it was only in the last few minutes that the rain started and we made a dash back to the cabin and caravans.


The weather improved in the evening and after dinner we spent it around the campfire, and the only thing that was missing was marshmallows to toast on the fire.

It was a lovely day and part of me thinks it would be great to enjoy in the summer, with the great weather and water sports, and part of me says that mist, crisp clear nights, campfires and fewer people is the way to enjoy Yarrawonga

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