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Beauty in My Own Backyard

Sometimes I think I need to give myself a slap ....when I realize that I've been to a lot of places that other people haven't been to and that they yearn to go to, but I've missed out on a lot of beautiful places in the country that I live in, and not just the big well known places like Uluru and the Great Barrier Reef (which are on my to do list) but the small places too.

I have decided that it's time I start to really enjoy my own neck of the woods, so that when I do go away, I will have that yearning to come back home and explore some more.


I have been living in my house for over 20 years and have NEVER been to the botanic gardens in Berwick which are just 15 minutes away, and with some gentle persuasion...more like a kick up the butt...


.Samara suggested it was time that I saw it. I wish she had given me that kick up the butt's a beautiful park, great to walk around and I'll be walking around it more often now that I know what I have been missing.


Wilson Botanic Park was originally a quarry and later donated by the Wilson family to the community. In 1992 it was opened to the public. The park is situated around two lakes, the Anniversary Lake and the Basalt Lake. There are lookouts and trails and plenty of places to explore, and if it hadn't been for the huge blisters I got on my heels I would have explored a whole lot more.

So heads up everyone.....take a look out your front door (or back door) and up the street because you just don't know what you might be missing out there.


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