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Singing In the Rain

Samara and I spent the day in the rain today, walking, taking in the sights and sounds of New York City. We are still yet to do the touristy things like the Empire State, Statue of Liberty etc....we're saving that for we just wanted to wander and see where the roads took us. It was however our longest day....the first day that Samara and I could have probably done with some alone time as we snapped a little and we both told each other where we could go....and it wasn't anywhere I could cross off my to do list!! It possibly had something to do with the weather, or it could be that I was happy to wander aimlessly -and Samara wanted more order!!!

We started the day off with a great buffet breakfast and than began wandering the garment district,


making sure I took photos of the huge buttons and needles and Parsons School of Design for Mikayla, but I couldn't find Moods. Then heading nowhere in particular we just walked and stopped for coffee and awesome sandwiches in a deli, I had another those and took an opportunity to get up close and personal to Lady Liberty as we won't be able to do that


tomorrow thanks to Hurricane Sandy

I love the grid system in NY because you can't really get lost...downtown it's a little easier too but that's the fun of wandering around the streets, and finding your way back. Once you get the St or Avenue you're okay...because it's either up or down... left or right. Getting a cab also helps if you know which way you are going because of the one way system...2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th 11th run north to south and 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th go the other way. and the streets run west to east (evens) or the other way (odds) there are a couple of two way streets and I think were the tunnels are these differences but it's pretty easy once you realise.


There are also three other Avenues between 3rd and 5th (-4th doesn't go up so far) Madison(s to n), Park (2 ways) and Lexington (n to s) I do wonder why those three weren't given numbers...guess I'll find out one day. (Lesson of grid system over!!!)

We made our way up and around Central Park and even on a drizzly wet day in the middle of winter Central Park was aweseome, an oasis in the middle of the's a great place to explore, and we may just have done a little singing and dancing in the rain!!!


We walked in to the park from Colombus Circle which is where Trump International Hotel and the Time Warner Center and the south western corner of the park. There are horses and carriages around and although it looks pretty in the movies as people ride through the park, I'm not sure the horses look so happy waiting for their passengers to ride, so I don't know if I would ever use them.

It's definitley a breath of fresh air and although I weirdly love the noise of NYC it's nice to have it in the background.

We walked past Tavern on The Green (which is undergoing renovations at the moment) and it's one of those places that are talked about or seen in so many movies or t.v shows as a place to eat that I'd like to try it on another visit to NYC...

There is so much to see in Central Park that when I come back here with Mikayla in a few years I want to make sure I see it all ...(not quite sure how we missed Belvedere Castle this time around) but I was impressed with Bethesda Terrace, wasn't expecting that at all, the tiles are beautiful and nice to see that they were not vandalized in any way. I can see this as a place for people to have wedding photos taken, and there were a couple having engagement photos taken.


Saw the sculpture of Alice in Wonderland, which took my back to childhood. Loved that book.....

It was about here that the heavens opened (which is possibly why we didn't see the castle) The Loeb Boathouse cafe wasn't open (not sure why as we thought it was open in winter) so we sought sanctuary out of the park into Museum Mile and the Jewish Museum, which I enjoyed wandering through, taking photos and reading all the information on the exhibits.


I love Museums, Samara is not as keen so getting her to one was better than nothing and I have to say I'm grateful for the rain because I might not have got a chance otherwise :) But I will have to save the Guggenheim, and Met for another time...and...MOMA and Natural History many museums, so little time :)...

We had every intention of walking back to the hotel, but it was bucketing at this point and we took our first cab ride in NYC. Not as expensive as I had thought it would be.

We changed and warmed up and watched a little TV before using the last part of our hop on hop off ticket which was the night can't get off the bus but that was okay as we were happy as the rain had stopped and we were able to enjoy the 2.5 hour circuit soaking up all the bright lights that NY city has on display.


Mac and cheese for dinner....amazed at how good mac and cheese is over's so much better than I make and I like mine :) and finally I got some pie (I love pie and the last time I was here I found a bakery behind the Hilton which had the BEST pie ever and so many flavours I couldn't get through them :) ) but cupcakes seem to have taken over where pie once was and pies other than apple or pecan seem to have disappeared, but I had the best banana cream pie....yummy...again not sure why I don't have wrong!!! But if anyone can give me a name of a great pie shop for next time I'm in NY I'll put it on the top of my to do list :)

We had nothing planned for the rest of the evening (I couldn't interest Samara in another show and as it's a Saturday night we might not have got tickets) but we found the movie theatre on 42nd Street and decided movies were a good alternative....the AMC 25 is HUGE....25 cinemas over I think 6 or 7's amazing. A Good Day to Die Hard, in cinema 1 was the choice of the night...and I don't care what people say Die Hards are awesome, especially on the big screen!!! Movie over we headed downstairs only to realise that there were still movies going on and we had nothing else to do except back up to cinema 15 and Hansel and Gretel...another good movie...and good exercise as not all the escaltors were working...

Another awesome day in NYC...unfortunately there is only one more to go :(

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