Are we there yet?
Again that question what was I thinking? What was I thinking when I looked at the flight and just went yeah that's okay?? Where was my...
Things to know about the USA
GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The United States comprises of 50 states, 48 of them on the mainland between...
Things I wish we had done in USA
I have opportunities to come back to America with a couple more birthday trips so might be able to knock a few off the ..the only major...
MY 7 wonders of the USA (2013 version)
It's a bit of a cop out as most have been covered in their own 7 wonders of but I have to put down my favourite things of THIS trip to...
MY 7 Wonders of California (2013 version)
Okay, this is a tough call, as I can only talk about my experiences in California and even with the number of times I have been it is...
Disney _LA style
It's hard to believe that our holiday is nearly is our last day before Samara and I head home in the morning, I can't...
Lights, Camera -Action
Universal studios is unexplored territory for me, had never been until today...and had so much fun I think I might have to find out where...
San Diego Zoo
Elephants and more elephants...what a way to spend a day!!!! Samara and I had an early start again catch the bus that dropped...
MY 7 Wonders of New York(2013 edition)
Really only seven? Okay I have to confess I love New York, it is one of my favourite places in the world and this is only MY opinion of...
Until Next time- Goodbye New York, Hello Los Angeles
This morning coats, gloves and scarves, this evening walking around in t-shirts....who would have thought!!! Samara and I had another...