My 7 Wonders of Tokyo (2013 Version)
Tokyo is amazing, a definite mixture of old and new and surprisingly easy to get around so I guess- 1/ The train system-it is fantastic...
Sayonara Kyoto
Another full day today, sorry to say good-bye to Kyoto as I found it a truly magical place, and with all the shrines and temples around...
Ghibli to Kyoto
Today was jam-packed, another day of Samara and I trying to squeeze in as much as we possibly can because we know our time is limited in...
Tokyo Disney
Damn it was cold today but fun, cold and wet and a little bit miserable, but not when it comes to Disney, seriously you have to be a real...
Kon'nichiwa Tokyo
Japanese TV as a lullaby? Not sure I would recommend it because it keeps you amused and you kind of want to keep watching it, even if ...
Tokyo bound
Count down over, yeah I'm that nerd that counts down the days until they go away.....but doesn't everyone? I try to not be annoying about...